Tuesday 26 April 2016

Three Weeks from planet-fall.


 Ridiculous:  Most of the information about Marijuana which I view on television is ridiculous. The exception which is an informative and factual report about marijuana does exist, but it is rare. Fortunately for them I have lost my notes about Barb, I think, the Culinary Cannabis Queen and the dispensary spokesman, I think his name was Charlie, both of these characters appeared on television as part of mainstream network news reports. I really think that reporters should be more careful about whom they choose to inform the public about Marijuana. Barb seemed to be grinding marijuana which she had decarboxolated by baking it in the oven, which is probably good  because otherwise the cystotilth hairs would irritate the stomach of anyone who ate the end product. Notably missing was the process where the marijuana was simmered in butter or coconut oil so that the turpins would be extracted and made available to be combined with food products and consumed in order to obtain the effect of the Marijuana. Her cooking procedures were as ridiculous as to sprinkle Marijuana on a piece of salmon and bake it in the oven. 

Equally ridiculous was the statement of a dispensary spokesman. "Marijuana dispensaries should be kept away from religious venues." What would the theory be: Marijuana use would lure them away from their imaginary friends?

It is just been on the crawl on CNN the Mitsubishi has been falsifying the scientific data regarding fuel consumption for  25 years. In addition, a large percentage of scientific papers are not scientific but falsified. This leads my train of thought and I hope yours to consider the latest studies which report indiscernible and unverifiable but terrifying and dangerous side effects caused by the use of Marijuana. In a prominently featured report an undergraduate student repeatedly announced that her study would prove that Marijuana use damaged the growing mind and created a potential for future personality defect and mental illness and that it made learning impossible. (once again). Within the last 5 minutes of the program the researcher announced that her project was inconclusive. That means there was no difference between Marijuana smokers and non smokers and no discernible defect caused by the marijuana use studied. Again and again I have heard prominent news personalities assert the unproven premise. News reporters should be more careful about where they get their News.        

Thursday 14 April 2016


MARIJUANA CRITIC: MARIJUANA MISINFORMATION: THC CONTENT:              MARIJUANA   CRITIC                                                                                                        ...


                          MARIJUANA MOTHER AUCTION

Marijuana sampling is a favorite new leisure activity for Canadians who require medical marijuana. Instead of purchasing the same old variety, medical marijuana customers enjoy trying the different strains of marijuana which are offered in small amounts as one gram or less. For a quite reasonable price the quality and effect of a strain of marijuana can be assessed. Consuming a new strain of marijuana can be a very interesting experience.                                                            

A medical marijuana dispensary owner who had purchased small amounts of marijuana from other dispensaries reported that despite labeling to the contrary many marijuana samples tasted very much the same and a similar effect. A case of distinction without difference according to my source.  

I mentioned that some dispensaries had 60 varieties of marijuana. The dispensary owner replied that flavoring techniques such as depriving plants of water and then watering with a flavoring solution such as jello! I am not sure if this method of changing the flavor of marijuana is illegitimate or undesirable. There is definitely a need to change the flavor of some marijuana. Whether that is done with orange jello or in some other manner would be something I would like to know about.  Feel free to post a comment.  

I toured a marijuana breeding facility. It is very interesting to see the growth of buds on closely related strains of marijuana. There are many different and interesting bud structures and incredible variations on similar aroma from plant to plant. The most successful plant varieties will be repeatedly cloned, replicated reliably over and over again. There can be a structural variation from the original seed grown mother plant. Usually other characteristics which the clones will have such as taste and quality of effect can be determined from the buds on the seed grown mother plant. Mother plants were beginning to be sampled several weeks before the buds are fully ripe, there is information to be gathered by studying the early bud.

A few years from now I would expect that breeders would hold auctions where growers would purchase stock. 

Some very serious businessmen would pick up their sample packs and perhaps pictures and videos. Stoners would be required to consume and test the subjective qualities of the various strains which would be offered for sale. I am not talking about getting a few clones to grow or breed, the winners of the auction bids would enjoy sole possession of the mother marijuana plant and any clones.

Hundreds of years ago there were enormous prices paid for Dutch tulip bulbs. I can just imagine the kind of competition there would be for the most desirable breeds of marijuana. The potential for the commercial growing of incredible varieties of marijuana would probably make new very desirable breeds of marijuana very valuable.  The additional potential which the purchase and growing of a strain would engender would be the ability to cross breed or cross back desirable strains of marijuana. There are well established techniques which can be used to stabilize or hybridize and thus destabilize a strain ( hybrid plants will reflect the characteristics of both male and female plants, in some cases hybridization will bring out the genealogy of a parent plant which was breed into the gene pool many generations earlier) or to feminize so that all seed created would produce female plants or to masculinize a strain or even a few blossoms and thus cross breed or cross back using a female plant.

I hear people are having fun trying little bits of marijuana, when the real fun begins they will take marijuana plants home and grow themselves the wonderful joy of new varieties.