Tuesday 25 April 2017

                             Marijuana Critic On Critics       April 25 , 2017.

I think that there is wide ranging  complexity to strain effect variation.  The variation of effect from hashish, bho, or squeeze is also complex.

Ratings and opinions are drawn from the experience which results as staff and customers consume cannabis products and decide what products work for them, how they were affected and to what degree.  If there is a consensus of opinion   it would be easy to rate the value of products and predict the effect of their use . If opinions are wide ranging or inconsistent the selection process is more difficult. 

It is possible that some people just do not know except what they have been told, or some people  develop  opinion  drawn from being contrary.   Do over-riding beliefs create predispositions which overrule accurate judgement? It is possible that no one would act against their self interest when testing marijuana products for personal use or for the purchase of products by marijuana processors or retailers. The factor which makes me wary of limited sample size opinion or propagandized or contrarian opinion is my experience of how many persons judge musical and artistic creations. The intrinsically individual and hard to discern experiential characteristics of marijuana product use are difficult to qualify and quantify. It is not as difficult to discern when live musical or artistic performances can be listened to, and viewed. The motions made by the performers lips , fingers and bodies show us how the performance is being created and how in touch with the creation the performers are. Still it seems to me that people can exercise very poor judgement based on irrational beliefs about artistic and musical performance.  How do we know who knows what about marijuana for sure?


Thursday 13 April 2017

Marijuana Legalization Critic Canada :Not What I Expected:

  I got the call to watch the proposed Marijuana Legalization Canada April 13, 2017.

 This is not a technical response or analysis but it is my emotional and intellectual reaction to the proposal. 

 I had expected a joyous celebration. I wrote a song several decades ago called  "Legalization Day". I will try to post the video. "...Flags were flying, the bands were playing..Legalization Day", freedom from lurking authority: possess,  have a smoke or vape without worry or threat of being scooped up out of one's home.

I turned on the video which I recorded of the live press conference of Canadian Marijuana Quintunal of Marijuana Contemptoristas . I began to view the former Police Chief of Toronto, far from the joyous herald of Legalization was he, pinch faced, angry , spouting the doctrine of increased deterrence and enhanced penalties and danger in every corner caused by marijuana use, carnage on the road, the luring of youth to bad, yeah bad, brain damage too. And gangsters as well ,born of the greed and huge illicit profits and hate them. Criminals grow marijuana he said. People grow marijuana . Regulation has been turned into a vicious response against plant growing and using people for 80 years and Bill would have this absurdity continue.

I have the recurring thought of the terror a teen aged pot dealer who hears of the lip smacking pronunciation made by Police Freako Blair must feel at the threat of 14 years in jail for selling to his friends, of course not a 12 or 17 year old . Sure, trust your fate ,expect a break, BB was just spouting his favourite phrases live again on TV: "new and stronger laws to punish more severely" and  I was sure he uttered "enhanced penalties" tho I cannot find it now. Quake in fear and loathing kiddo, a similar control freak is waiting in jail when Bill and the gang punish you. I made an error, there are six in the gang a Sextunal of unsuitable Legalizationists.  View:Capricious Justice.blogspot .com for more about the continuing war on Marijuana and people in 2017! Apr.16.