It is preferable to place the entire hash making appliance with the scissored product on it in the freezer.
Any sort of bowl which has a sturdy tight fitting top can be used, most of the center of the top is cut out.
The parchment paper will be seen in later photographs lining the bottom of the bowl.
Silicon parchment paper made for baking is inexpensive, readily available and essential as a surface which will not adhere to glans heads.
Silicon parchment paper is ideal to store hash.
Silicon parchment paper is essential to manufacture screened hash, to press squeeze and store concentrates.
Silicon parchment can be seen lining the bottom of this bowl which is stainless steel and ideal.
The 80 micron polyester screen which is used to top the hash making bowl appliance can be seen in the photograph above and can be purchased at artist's supply stores, blueprint supply stores and at specialty stores catering to hobbyists or growers.
The destemmed and scissored sugar leaf and bits of broken bud with any glans heads that could be collected is placed on top of the polyester screen.
In this photograph the polyester screen can be seen placed on top of the parchment paper lined bowl with the cut out top forming a retaining ring. There are other methods of securing a polyester screen to the top of a collecting container. It is advisable to have the silicon parchment paper extending up and over the sides of the bowl or collecting container and retained by the ring which holds the polyester screen in place. A sturdy plastic credit card is a fine tool to use to rub the product through the polyester screen.
Above is the credit card being used as it would to rub the frozen scissored destemmed product on and through the 80 micron polyester or silk screen.
To the right is an example of how the credit card would be used vertically to stir and to mound up the product to rub it through the screen again as demonstrated in the picture above.
The credit card can be used as a scoop or shovel to carefully remove the undesirable material which did not go through the 80 micron screen.
In the bottom the bowl, in the non stick nest of parchment paper liner will be a drift of green, white or gold glans heads. Pick up the parchment paper carefully over a table top surface, fold it and pour the screened product into a smaller piece of silicon parchment paper. Use the credit card to scrape the liner parchment paper carefully and pour that in with the rest of your screened glans heads.
The resulting product can be made into hash, using a heated press, heating it in a cocoon of parchment paper and then aluminum foil and pressing it with a gluing clamp or making it into a little bindle which you place in the bottom of your shoe under your heel for a few hours. All of these methods will create really fine hashish.
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