Saturday 24 June 2017

Dark Madness, lurking in your marijuana: CBC Marketplace

Smoking Marijuana is fun. As a previous generation had sipped their champagne cocktails and toured the gardens or played Croquette, we smoked marijuana and enjoyed our experiences. 

The preoccupation with driving after smoking marijuana was not an issue for decades.The idea that strong marijuana is bad is unusual to me, there is an opportunity to smoke less with strength.

Today's marijuana is not stronger than the Thai Sticks and Lebanese Hash of the seventies and early eighties which I enjoyed in Vancouver BC. I make my own hashish, as in earlier post, one breath is enough, stronger than any pot.

Have some marijuana and pick up a suitable musical instrument, do it with friends. Have professional musician friends or get good and really have fun.

I smoke a joint of BC grown Pigmy at London England and go look for the biggest Night Club I can find and tell the band, "Hi, I am Lindon Collard the worlds greatest harmonica player and I will prove this now with your band if you are willing to have me sit in."  Pow! that is fun.

 I used to go to Vancouver, particularly when  My Aunt Annette was in Mexico, work, go to bed at 9 pm and get up at 2am and head out to play in after hours clubs, a little earlier and I could join bands for their last set. Play harmonica to any tune without rehearsal without knowing some out of town band or from Vancouver but we did not know each other. The greatest fun while high on pot.

I smoked up and played again and again with bands, with recorded music, at writing sessions, til I could float out onto any stage and wail with the band. Not everyone would use music, what about animation and video production, or writing or jewellery making and designing. I have factually and actually done all of the above and more as I enjoyed Marijuana more than by sitting there. Politics can be interesting to follow on pot. Political discussion is hilarious or saddening or frightening.

When we first smoked, a bunch of motorcycle enthusiasts, we played bridge and went skating. Try some new, safe activities, have some fun not a bout of anxiety or depression as the naysayers do. 

I and many psychiatrists think that Marijuana can aid a person through relaxation and fun.  All the Dark Imaginings inconclusive,  not ;  inconclusive means that there is no evidence of any change or effect. Hysterical Anecdotes are the personal experience of a few people, most people have fun with pot.


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