Sunday, 6 December 2015


                                MARIJUANA AND HIPPIES

With reference to my previously posted blog:  I stated that Turpines contained about 18 % THC. I see claims of from 40 % to 80 % by other writers. I would appreciate information  on  reputable source for reliable THC content measurement. 

Hippies are known to consume and grow Marijuana. It is possible that the severity of anti-Marijuana legislation was driven by a desire to control and disenfranchise hippies, beatniks and blacks as these minorities are disliked by the rich, Police, Politicians and Government administrators. 

Fifty years ago I was an industrial worker biker in Vancouver British Columbia. It was a different time. Relations between the Police and the Public were friendly and authoritarianism had not yet become the practice followed by every Civil Servant. There were hippies in some parts of the city but the group of bikers that I knew did not know that hippies smoked marijuana. We thought it was a practice peculiar to the biker community. 

Today hippies are synonymous with marijuana culture and consumption of marijuana. Hippies are not heroin and cocaine addicts. Methamphetamine users may have long hair and may look in some ways like poor hippies but meth heads are not hippies. 

Hippies grow marijuana, generally using environmentally friendly pesticide free growing methods. The careful exclusion of pests and pathogens is accomplished through the use of bio-dynamic growing procedures such as dedicated footwear and clothing and by not introducing clones from other grows without being absolutely sure  that pests or diseases will not be able to enter an organic facility. I have accepted clones and quarantined and treated the clones until they were pathogen and pest free. It is not at all acceptable to spray pesticides and fungicides on marijuana crops. Larger more commercial types of grow-ops are more likely to be forced to use pesticides due to workers not being serious about bio-dynamic exclusion procedures or as a result of the practice of buying clones. It is likely that certified pest and pathogen free clones may be available in the future. 

 I am very suspicious of the new large Medical Marijuana producers who are immensely preoccupied with making money, the current methodology involving recruiting investors. In other words, the important priority for the Health Canada licensed commercial facilities is making money and  in particular making that easy money by using investor funds.   

Anti-marijuana statements are made that contaminants are introduced to Marijuana by dealers. I would suggest that disreputable persons should be avoided in every matter, the person you purchase Marijuana from should not be a criminal or unscrupulous person. Just because a commercial operation tested some marijuana and then supplies marijuana by mail is no guarantee that marijuana will be pesticide free. Contemporarily it is known that it is a mode of operation for commercial agriculturalists to fail to adhere to pesticide guide lines. Why should we trust these financially motivated persons and corporations who are not dedicated to producing fine uncontaminated product but to making money. This has never worked out in the past why would we be able to trust these persons this time. 

Proposed:  Canada Marijuana Exchange.

All Marijuana sales and purchases would be conducted using a form of bank cards and debit cards. Any person who wished to sell marijuana would make application for a charge card terminal, the purchaser would use a credit card or preloaded charge card which would be inserted into the Canada Marijuana Exchange terminal and the funds would be retained by the Treasury of the Government of Canada. In the case of recreational Marijuana it would be appropriate to charge PST and GST, about a 12% charge. Income tax deductions could be made. Canada's income tax system is different from that of the United States, higher rates kick in earlier. There is absolutely no reason to charge additional taxes. Marijuana usage does not have the severe expense created for the medical system by cigarettes and alcohol. Police enforcement expenses will diminish as well. I would suggest that with all transactions being conducted through the Canada Marijuana Exchange there would not be a large amount of cash available to thieves who might target Marijuana Producers or those who would avoid taxation. The Canada Marijuana Exchange terminal could print a label associated with each sale which would be retained with any Marijuana which a person had in their possession. Simple, foolproof and no money for armed robbers at dispensaries. 

Back to the hippies and Marijuana. The Canada Marijuana Exchange would provide a safe source of income for persons who in many cases would not have another source of income. The Canada Marijuana Exchange would collect Government Revenue for sure and right at the time the transaction to purchase Marijuana occurred. The purchaser could know the provider well and would be able to look the grower right in the eye and question whatever aspect of the production or processing concerned them, the purchaser. Bio Dynamic pesticide and fungicide free growing could be certified as zero contaminant products instead of contaiminated product which did not exceed a proscribed level of contamination. Inexpensive testing should be avaliable if only to check on pesticide or fungicide contaminate levels, organic bio-dynamic facilities should have zero pesticide or fungicide levels in the Marijuana.

Canada's hippy growers have a lot of experience growing without pesticides or fungicides, both out in the garden and in the grow room. Is it right, is it fair, is it practical to throw all of this out and put our trust in what appears to be a group of Stock Market Promoters. Any study of the now defunct Vancouver Stock Exchange will show what Stock Promoters do and how dishonest they are. I believe we should trust our environmentally conscious pesticide avoiding hippies.
Hippies have been unfairly criticized as lazy and non-productive and many negative characteristics which are untrue have been promoted in the media and by Police. Long-haired thieves and drug addicts are not hippies. Why can we not trust our present growers of Marijuana to continue to work and produce Marijuana. The Corporate Model of  Marijuana growing is an invention of Stephen Harper and his Conservative Party Government. Canadian voters threw Steve and the Gang out. Why should we continue their elitist corporate policies. 

This paragraph is not strictly about Marijuana. It seems that every group in our society has sensibilities which cannot be offended against, but not hippies. None of the of the emperical hippy values are acknowledged. Many degenerate characteristics are ascribed to hippies which have nothing to do with hippies. The farthest fetched example of this prejudice which I experienced was actually quite unbelievable. My ex-wife's family had a black sheep, actually more like black bacon; Avery took me aside on one of our rare meetings and told me "Do you know that your mother in law never referrers to you by name, only as Mesheugina or ' your Manson friend' ". I guess Charlie had long hair too. Hippies are not fools or twisted Cult Controlers.  We have suffered a bad mischaracterization which should be dealt with, eliminated and perhaps reparations might be in order.


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