Monday, 4 January 2016


Hash. Hashish Charas  are Marijuana products where the fibre and
leaf components of the plant are removed leaving only material which is composed of mostly glans heads. Charas, reputed to be the most pure and fibre free hashish is traditionally collected by rubbing hands on the resins ripe flower heads of marijuana plants or by rubbing the product against appropriate surfaces. the modern equivalent to a traditional finger roll hash would be the hash which is collected during the trimming of  Marijuana plants. The moist gooey resins which collect on sissors rubber gloves and fingers can be rolled into a stick, dried appropriately and smoked to be very much like an Afghan or Pakistan black hash product. Currently Erzatz black hash is produced from solvent derived extracts and ground up Marijuana. I would suggest this product is undesirable.

Black Hash which is dirived from broken glans heads through the Bubble Hash process is very different from Bubble  the Erzatz Black Hash and is desirable. The Black Hash raw material will be mostly in the 25 micron bag. This material should be dried very well and can be pressed into a very nice Afghan style Hash. Bubble Hash,  if genuine, will smell and taste very good and not at all of solvent. Bubble Hash made from unbroken glans heads will be in the 90 micron bag and it will be blond if it is treated and pressed properly. 

Concentrates produced from solvent extraction or from the very elegant pressing of Buds between pieces of parchment paper at temperatures which are indicated in the various internet tutorials on producing concentrates. Hashish is different from concentrates although it is derived from and composed of the same parts of the Marijuana Plant.

The most elegant of Hashish products are produced through dry screening. Traditionally it was believed that colas were beaten under different circumstances which allowed the collection of the glans heads. After a Marijuana plant is dried and is being finally trimmed up there might well be a silver colored dust on your nice clean processing table. Mixed in with the finger roll an excellent Hash is produced.

Hashish which is Lebanese or Moroccan style can be produced by rubbing properly ground Marijuana Buds and leaf which has glans heads on stems covering the leaf. This would be small leaves closely associated with buds which are trimmed off.   In Lebanon and Morocco mechanized screening machines rock back and forth sifting glans heads through screening material. The sifted glans heads can be pressed into slabs or sheets of Hashish.

Comparatively in North America Hashish is screened by hand or in rotary screening machines. Years ago high quality marijuana from the far east was allegedly screened and pressed in Morocco where every style of Hashish was produced commercially.

We have very high quality Marijuana in British Columbia today and some of the red and blonde hash is absolutely wonderful in taste and in effect and because it has been screened it should be the purest form of Hash or Marijuana particularity if the Marijuana was organically grown without the use of pesticides. 

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