Thursday 20 December 2018


I hope I am not carping or harping on this subject: The subjective evaluation of Marijuana. 

Is everybody really different or are there a few groups of preferences shared by a majority of marijuana consumers. Analysis is necessary for contaminant screening. Many people can successfully read turpene profiles and thc, cbd, cbn percentages and select a desired variety. 

The determinate commercial factor is what sells fastest and for the most money.

I have heard a number of opinions about what was good and on analysis research I found some low thc percentages. I myself smoked joints and had hash from unimpressive analysis strains. Some hard core strong pot smokers are most satisfied by strains which are not Analysis Queens nor extremely popular.

I had a similar experience as I evaluated four strains last week. The fourth was a familiar usual strain I vaporized a lot of, I have made concentrate and hash from and I occasionally smoke a joint of.  

The Lemon Lamb's Breath I smoked was strong, did not choke me or taste bad and it provided a clearly visible audible perceptible high. I also did not feel stiff and aching as much as I had before smoking the Lemon Lamb's Breath.

I am not sure if the UK Cheese was supposed to be strong, I ask let me evaluate your strongest Marijuana but possibly the taste was supposed to be great and unique, (mmm m i wonder) In any case, I found that the UK Cheese was not strong enough for my needs or taste. I found myself looking around in the shadows and out among the trees for a towering high, OK I admit it: Love those Towering Highs. You must know completely absorbed  in what was at hand. 

The towering feeling of total support of my body, floating as I lay down to sleep, relaxing and experiencing release breaths. Not with the Lemon Lamb`s Breath nor the UK Cheese and not with the highly recommended ``Freak out on one toke`` Wedding Cake. 

THE UNSETTLING PART FOR ME WITH THE UK Cheese and Wedding Cake was that I was aching and stiff still and I became quite wasted, tired out and dragging my-self around. This might be considered ``strong.``

Worse is the situation I have often experienced on trying a new variety. I get really shaky and sometimes even tremble. I was happy on day four to roll up a familiar strain joint to compare with the three new varieties and relieved as I quickly loosened up and saw psychedelic and was high.

I did not have to look into the shadows or among the trees to see that I was stoned. I will try to visually recreate the mood and the view and the smooth relaxation.

I do wonder why the varieties which affected me negatively are very popûlar. 

Postscript: I rolled a joint of a newly harvested new strain of unknown origin and it was better than my regular standby marijuana. I will see, I will have to smoke some when it is really ready or will my enthusiasm be only the new of the strain, I am usually not like this, new strain and really high.


  1. March 2019 I was at the Big Dispensary in Sooke BC and I was smelling the bottles of Bud still happening which I know I have said " Smelling for a great smell may not be the way to find the best Marijuana". People I was told can tell by smell what they would like to smoke. I do not know for sure but I was smelling to avoid the prevalent smell that I do not like.In any case, I found a smell I found inoffensive and it was:
    West of Sooke, there is a Breeder who crossed Pink Kush and Calliope to
    produce a very clear detailed beautiful visual high, with a good taste.

  2. I grew four new varieties which I was enthusiastic about a couple of. None of them yielded much and I am, long term, not thrilled with my DNA Genetics seeds and the plants they produced.Slow growing God's Blue Deisel
    may be good, it is coming soon, a single mother from seed.

  3. March 31: The five varieties are so disappointing. Yield was negligible.
    The last one GBD took so long to finish up and is brown inside in places. Perhaps different conditions are being created which allow the varieties to thrive elsewhere. I grew a set of the 4 from clones, results were no better. I did not finish the Pink/Caliope cross. I will have to check it out again and update my evaluation.

  4. Marijuana is known as for dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa that is used to resolves many health diseases. CBD for back pain
