Monday 15 July 2019

SkyHi Skunk

Fairy Tales can come true, but will it happen for you:

I have done about a thousand tries at seed breeding but years ago I bought the produce of deceased breeder and that was a lot better as he had bred for years and years. 

The purchased seeds from DNA Genetics have  been a horrible waste of time and money. It is better to find seed in what YOU KNOW is good product. 

I grew some Pink Kush from dispensary stock seed, and it analysed as the best I had ever submitted I was told. 22% Thc etc. The turpenes high and desirable.  It was good, I was stoned but not as high as I would like to be. I was looking into ordinary forest, detailed clear but definitely a lot like the many varieties I test smoked and carefully observed. I think the stone is the most important factor. 

I took pictures but I cannot get the connection to work so I will post some later when I can remedy this.

I had a rough looking Mother with lots of dying off leaves. I hung it up to dry, I crippled, did not trim, just cut and hung and pulled big leaves off. I finger plucked the leaves a few weeks later, black fingers and missing skin it felt like.

I scissored the Man Trimmed Buds and lit them up in an Asylum Racer. Baroom, Skunk was back. I had not as had many others did bred and bred old Skunk seed and crosses`seed but I had a Fairy Tale come true. I have smoked no hash for days and I have found that thick satisfying tokes are produced in a Ariser Extreme Q, the least expensive hot air vaporizer, I think.

I got 25 tokes from a single less than a gram load. It lasted all day, toking from time to time. The forest looks like Fifty Millions years BC. Movies come to life. I am a bit wasted but really calm.


Postscript: SkyHi Skunk: I am going to walk into the premiere dispensary on Vancouver Island and hand the first 5 people I pass a g of SkyHi Skunk with the Atom Bomb logo on it and analyse SkyHi Skunk.

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